Exclusive Access, pemier Exposure



As a part of the Hispanic Chamber of Metro Orlando (Hispanic Chamber), one of the largest and top three chambers in the region, members have access to programs and networking opportunities that can drive their economic growth. We are committed to their success by providing unique connections, business education tools, and promotional opportunities to help increase their business exposure and profits.





Proud Membership

Welcome certificate with promotional items and digital PROUD MEMBER seal for marketing materials.

Professional Development

Free access to seminars and workshops such as the Lunch & Learn Series.


Access to Café with Members, Business After Hours, and Speed Networking sessions.


Online company profile in Growth Zone platform with network of over 2,600 active representatives.


Opportunity for awards and recognitions by the Hispanic Chamber during signature events.


Minority certification reimbursement and business matchmaking opportunities.


Member-to-member discounts, job postings, and event promotion on Hispanic Chamber website.

Media Connectivity

Newsletter publication under Member News.


Ambassadors Program and committee participation for select groups.

Member Orientation

Gain insight into Chamber engagement as a new member and introduce your company to other new members.

Proud Membership

Welcome certificate with promotional items and digital PROUD MEMBER seal for marketing materials.

Professional Development

Free access to seminars and workshops such as the Lunch & Learn Series.


Access to Café with Members, Business After Hours, and Speed Networking Social sessions.


Online company profile in GrowthZone platform with network of over 2,600 active representatives.


Opportunity for awards and recognitions by the Hispanic Chamber during signature events.


Minority certification reimbursement and business matchmaking opportunities.


Member-to-member discounts, job postings, and event promotion on Hispanic Chamber website.

Media Connectivity

E-Newsletter publication under Member News.


Ambassadors program and committee participation for select groups.

Member Orientation

Gain insight into Hispanic Chamber engagement as a new member and introduce your company to other new members.



Proud Membership

Welcome certificate with promotional items and digital PROUD MEMBER seal for marketing materials.

Professional Development

Free access to seminars and workshops such as the Lunch & Learn Series.


Access to Café with Members, Business After Hours, and Speed Networking sessions.


Online company profile in Growth Zone platform with network of over 2,600 active representatives.


Opportunity for awards and recognitions by the Hispanic Chamber during signature events.


Minority certification reimbursement and business matchmaking opportunities.


Member-to-member discounts, job postings, and event promotion on Hispanic Chamber website.

Media Connectivity

Newsletter publication under Member News.


Ambassadors Program and committee participation for select groups.

Member Orientation

Gain insight into Chamber engagement as a new member and introduce your company to other new members.

Proud Membership Recognition

Receive a unique crystal plaque commemorating your Proud Member status.

Social media

Visit from Hispanic Chamber to member location to publish Welcome Video on social media outlets.

Social Media Spotlight

Feature a special recognition or success story of engagement with the Hispanic Chamber on the social media outlets.

Special Events

Hosting opportunities, including ribbon-cutting, anniversary celebrations, and Citrus Club venue access.

Proud Membership

Welcome certificate with promotional items and digital PROUD MEMBER seal for marketing materials.

Professional Development

Free access to seminars and workshops such as the Lunch & Learn Series.


Access to Café with Members, Business After Hours, and Speed Networking Social sessions.


Online company profile in GrowthZone platform with network of over 2,600 active representatives.


Opportunity for awards and recognitions by the Hispanic Chamber during signature events.


Minority certification reimbursement and business matchmaking opportunities.


Member-to-member discounts, job postings, and event promotion on Hispanic Chamber website.

Media Connectivity

E-Newsletter publication under Member News.


Ambassadors program and committee participation for select groups.

Member Orientation

Gain insight into Hispanic Chamber engagement as a new member and introduce your company to other new members.

Proud Membership Recognition

Receive a unique crystal plaque commemorating your Proud Membership status.

Social Media

Visit from Hispanic Chamber to member location to publish Welcome video on Instagram and Facebook stories.

Social Media Spotlight

Feature a special recognition or success story of engagement with the Hispanic Chamber on Instagram and Facebook.

Special Events

Hosting opportunities, including ribbon-cutting and anniversary celebrations.



Proud Membership

Welcome certificate with promotional items and digital PROUD MEMBER seal for marketing materials.

Professional Development

Free access to seminars and workshops such as the Lunch & Learn Series.


Access to Café with Members, Business After Hours, and Speed Networking sessions.


Online company profile in Growth Zone platform with network of over 2,600 active representatives.


Opportunity for awards and recognitions by the Hispanic Chamber during signature events.


Minority certification reimbursement and business matchmaking opportunities.


Member-to-member discounts, job postings, and event promotion on Hispanic Chamber website.

Media Connectivity

Newsletter publication under Member News.


Ambassadors Program and committee participation for select groups.

Member Orientation

Gain insight into Chamber engagement as a new member and introduce your company to other new members.

Proud Membership Recognition

Receive a unique crystal plaque commemorating your Proud Member status.

Social media

Visit from Hispanic Chamber to member location to publish Welcome Video on social media outlets.

Social Media Spotlight

Feature a special recognition or success story of engagement with the Hispanic Chamber on the social media outlets.

Special Events

Hosting opportunities, including ribbon-cutting, anniversary celebrations, and Citrus Club venue access.

Exclusive Invitations

To participate as panelists for the CEO Series or Lunch & Learn Sessions.

Exclusive Access

CEO Series invitations and (2) complimentary tickets to a Hispanic Chamber signature event.

Advertising Opportunities

Discounted rates for advertising in Hispanic Chamber publications or on its website.

Exclusive Leadership Access

Opportunity to request a special meeting with the President or Board of Directors of the Hispanic Chamber.

Proud Membership

Welcome certificate with promotional items and digital PROUD MEMBER seal for marketing materials.

Professional Development

Free access to seminars and workshops such as the Lunch & Learn Series.


Access to Café with Members, Business After Hours, and Speed Networking Social sessions.


Online company profile in GrowthZone platform with network of over 2,600 active representatives.


Opportunity for awards and recognitions by the Hispanic Chamber during signature events.


Minority certification reimbursement and business matchmaking opportunities.


Member-to-member discounts, job postings, and event promotion on Hispanic Chamber website.

Media Connectivity

E-Newsletter publication under Member News.


Ambassadors program and committee participation for select groups.

Member Orientation

Gain insight into Hispanic Chamber engagement as a new member and introduce your company to other new members.

Proud Membership Recognition

Receive a unique crystal plaque commemorating your Proud Membership status.

Social Media

Visit from Hispanic Chamber to member location to publish Welcome video on Instagram and Facebook stories.

Social Media Spotlight

Feature a special recognition or success story of engagement with the Hispanic Chamber on Instagram and Facebook.

Special Events

Hosting opportunities, including ribbon-cutting and anniversary celebrations.

Exclusive Invitations

To participate as a panelists for selected events.

Exclusive Access

CEO Series invitations and two complimentary tickets to a Hispanic Chamber Signature Event (not including Don Quijote Awards).

Advertising Opportunities

Discounted rates for advertising on Hispanic Chamber publications.

Exclusive Leadership Access

Opportunity to request a special meeting with the President & CEO of the Hispanic Chamber.

INFO HUB benefits


Member Directory

Maintain your contact information for the members and public directories.


Register for our upcoming events.


Gain access to key sites, documents, and other member-only information.

Hot Deals

Add member-to-member discounts and take advantage of deals offered by other members.

Email Lists

Subscribe and receive regular communication from us.

Career Center

Share job postings and increase your recruiting power.


Network with others by exchanging information, sharing resources, ideas, and more.


Increase your involvement in our association by participating on a committee.


Refer new members to our association to help their businesses grow.










Boost Your Investments and Discover Business Opportunities with the Hispanic Chamber

SIGN UP FOR OUR Newsletter



  • Your company is recognized among the group of investors (Trustees) supporting programs of the Hispanic Chamber to foster business development in Central Florida.
  • Your company’s logo is proudly displayed in the Chamber’s executive conference room, website, and collateral material.
  • Your company’s logo featured in Vision Express (weekly e-newsletter with over 15,000 subscribers).
  • Verbal or visual recognition at all Hispanic Chamber events.


  • Hasta 15 representantes activos (empleados de la empresa) que figuran bajo los miembros fiduciarios. (Si la empresa está interesada en añadir más representantes, por favor contacte con la Cámara Hispana).
  • Newsletter Spotlight – Una publicación anual con una historia completa o comunicación proporcionada por el socio corporativo.
  • Oportunidad de promover programas exclusivos, descuentos o productos a los miembros de la Cámara Hispana a través de las redes sociales.

Community Engagement

  • Oportunidad de presentar los programas e iniciativas de tu empresa a los embajadores de la Cámara Hispana.
  • Oportunidad de acoger hasta 2 reuniones de Embajadores de la Cámara Hispana.
  • El liderazgo y el personal de la Cámara Hispana promocionan continuamente a Trustees entre la comunidad empresarial hispana.
  • Invitaciones especiales a eventos comunitarios no hispanos de la Cámara, incluyendo oportunidades de voluntariado con otras organizaciones sin fines de lucro.
  • Presentaciones a funcionarios electos de Florida Central cuando se soliciten.

Networking and Business Development Support

  • Invitaciones a eventos exclusivos de los miembros, incluida la recepción anual de los fideicomisarios, mesa redonda con altos funcionarios del gobierno, otros eventos de entretenimiento organizados por administradores o socios corporativos.
  • Invitaciones para ser anfitrión de hasta (2) Sub-eventos de la Cámara Hispana tales como Business After Hours y/o Café con el Socio. (Actualmente este evento tiene una asistencia de alrededor de 60-100 miembros y fideicomisarios por evento).
  • Se anima a los representantes de las empresas a asistir a los eventos para conocer e interactuar con los líderes de la Cámara Hispana, la Junta Directiva, el personal y los miembros.

Supplier Diversity and Government Affairs Committee

  • Invitación a formar parte del Comité de Asuntos Gubernamentales y del Consejo de Diversidad de Proveedores, además de otros comités de la Cámara Hispana. Estas oportunidades permiten a tu empresa ser la voz de la comunidad hispana.

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